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SEND Report
Titan Education Trust SEN Report 2023-2024
Titan Education Trust are both alternative provisions that caters for all students across Birmingham, focussing on integration back to mainstream school. The Trust is committed to giving students a new direction whilst academically achieving, through strong working relationships with staff and parents/carers. As a Trust, we pride ourselves on five core values which are, ‘Teach, Inspire, Transform, Achieve and Nurture’.
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) for which provision is made at school
Type of Need |
Support in School |
Monitoring Procedure |
Cognition and Learning |
Communication and Interaction |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
Sensory and/or Physical Needs |
We support children through Quality First Teaching.
This means that:
• The teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
• All teaching is based on what your child already knows, can do and understands.
• Different ways of teaching are used that your child is fully motivated to be involved in
their learning.
• Your child's progress is constantly checked to ensure that the teaching and any
additional resources meets their needs.
We support children through targeted group work.
This is where your child works with a smaller group of children, who are at a similar place.
in their learning, often called an intervention or booster group.
For your child this would mean:
• Working in small group sessions on specific targets or objectives to support there
• These sessions are usually led by a Teaching Assistant, under the direction of the Class.
Teacher, with advice from the Senior Learning Support Co-ordinator.
• Progress is constantly monitored to ensure that this small group work meets the
group's needs.
We support children through targeted individual work.
For your child this would mean:
• Working one to one on specific targets to support their progress.
• These sessions are usually led by a trained Teaching Assistant under the direction of
the Class Teacher, with advice from the Learning Support Co-ordinator as well as any
outside agencies involved.
• Progress is constantly monitored to ensure that one to one interventions are
meeting the child's needs.
- How are Special Educational Needs Identified
How are additional needs identified at Titan Education Trust?
Titan Education Trust follows the ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years’ (2015). We use the Graduated Approach using the methodology of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, and Review’.
The academy uses the following procedures for identifying pupils with additional needs:
- Referral forms from home school along with any SEN information around SEN of pupil.
- Meeting with home school SENCO to discuss prior SEN involvement.
- Baseline assessments at St George’s Academy on arrival.
- Data from previous settings.
- Internal SEN referral form for use of staff.
- Assessments carried out by external agencies.
All students identified as having additional needs will be placed on the school SEN database where information is securely stored for access to staff.
How do parents/ carers raise concerns?
Raise concerns with child’s Head of House at the Academy.
- Directly contact school SENCO’s –
Titan Aston Academy-Lead SENCO Ms Louise Matthews/Deputy SENCO- Amna Shaheen
Titan St George’s Academy-Lead SENCO Ms Aisha Mamujee-/Deputy SENCO-Claire Smith
- Book an appointment to meet members of staff at school.
- Discussions with home schools.
At Titan Education Trust we pride ourselves on listening to parents/ carers and providing the best/ most suitable curriculum for each child.
- Provision for pupils with SEN
At Titan Education Trust we are committed to providing an inclusive education for all students, using proactive rather than reactive measures. All pupils are treated with respect, integrity and fairness, and not discriminated against for having a Special Educational Need. Through the direction of the SENCO, staff are encouraged to use innovative and pedagogical methods to support ALL students in the classroom. Facilities/ resources we will be used depending on Special Educational Need, and sourced externally when required. We use the following methods to support students with additional needs:
- Quality first teaching.
- Targeted intervention.
- Personalised Timetable.
- Mentoring.
- TA support.
- Literacy and Numeracy Intervention.
- Extracurricular provision.
- Pastoral care.
- Specialist provision/agencies.
- Vocational Curriculum
- Open access to OASIS
Our learning environment will be adapted where possible to meet the needs of all students and those with additional needs. Strategies and support mechanisms are available via an online secure forum for staff to use.
- SENCO Contact details
Special Educational Needs is directed by school SENCO’s, Aisha Mamujee/Louise Matthews who can be contacted on 0121 296 2277 or 0121 696 4800
- What training do staff get at Titan Education Trust to support children with additional needs?
All staff receive annual safe guarding training and advice on special educational needs from relevant external agencies. Wednesday’s afternoons are dedicated to staff CPD of which SEN has a designated slot. Training or informal discussions will take place around SEN from either the SENCO or designated trainer.
St George’s Academy has 18 hours Educational Psychologist hours per annum, of which some are used for staff CPD around issues/areas of development around SEN in the Academy. Teaching Assistants are trained at the appropriate level and deployed where appropriate and expertise allows. Additional needs training is ongoing and done when and where appropriate. Staff are also encouraged to source their own CPD identified through performance management procedures.
- How are parents of children involved in the education of pupils with Special Educational Needs?
• Open door policy to listen to parents/carers about their concerns.
• Half termly review meetings.
• Parent/ carer review days.
• Annual reviews for children with statements/ EHCPS.
Staff when necessary will do home visits to discuss with parents their child needs and put plans in place to ensure the child is receiving the best possible education.
- How will students with additional needs be involved in their education?
The child’s outcomes will be considerably improved by regular attendance, consistently good behaviour and engagement within lessons. Students will be involved in their learning through developing and achieving their own targets, through use if their IEP/pastoral support plans and pupil profiles. Review of targets is crucial in ensuring progress and to be done regularly with appropriate staff. Students are encouraged to work independently outside the classroom, through extra-curricular activities, Bedrock, CENTURY online platform, EDUCARE, OAK Academy, as well as attending parent’s reviews days on a termly basis.
All pupils are involved and encouraged to take part in their own learning journey, for
• Developing and achieving targets.
• Attending parents' evenings with parents.
• Self-assessment and evaluation.
• All children are encouraged to speak to members of staff if they have a concern or
worried about anything.
• Learning mentors.
• Pupil Voice/School Council.
- Complaints Procedure
At Titan Education Trust it is important that students, parents/carers feel confident in raising any concerns they may have. If you feel you have not adequately been addressed by the SENCO you should contact Mr Devshi Headteacher of Titan Education Trust. Should you still feel you have a concern you can contact the school Governor for additional needs via the Academy principal/ school office.
- Specialist Support
Communication and Autism Team |
Provides support to children diagnosed with a Autism Spectrum Disorder |
S Sparks – Access to education |
Supports pupils with behavioural, emotional and development difficulties |
www.forward thinkingbirmingham.org.uk |
EPS – Educational Psychology Service |
Working with pupil with a range of educational needs |
School SENCO |
School Nurse |
Promotes the health and wellbeing of pupils in the Academy |
Central Birmingham Schools nurse team |
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) |
A point of contact for professional who want to raise a concern about or child or seek advice |
Tel – 0121 303 1888 |
Pupil and School Support Service (PSS) |
Work with Academy to advise on teaching, strategies and resources for pupils to progress. |
Via school SENCO |
- How will transition be supported at Titan Education Trust?
At Titan Education Trust we aim to make the time of transition from home school as comfortable as possible. For pupils with additional needs, the SENCO at Titan Education Trust and home school will liaise and share relevant information around the child. The information will then be shared with staff at Titan Education Trust. During the transition period the SENCO or member of the team will meet with each individual to process and IEP which will then roll out to staff. At the end of year 9 options will be available for GSCE courses and pupils with additional needs will not be discriminated against. The appropriate pathway will be met wherever possible. Data is used as a platform to make informed decisions around each individual child.
Before your child starts at our school:
• Visit to existing school or home visit where relevant.
• Transition days — staggered at times of the day to meet the needs of the child eg
after school, during class time.
• Additional transition days for those students with SEN.
When they are moving to a new school:
• Additional visits to the new school for children with specific needs.
• Contacting key personnel at receiving school.
• Reviews centred on the needs of the child involving yourself, staff and relevant
agencies when appropriate (Person Centred Review).
When children are moving into the next class:
• Your child's new teacher will he informed of your child's likes, dislikes and what
works best for them (One Page Pupil Profile).
- The Local Offer
The Birmingham Local Authority offer can be found at:
- How are the Governing Body Involved?
At Titan Education Trust we have a designated governor with responsibility for SEND who liaises with School SENCO to ensure that the Governors are informed about provision, progress and well-being of our children with SEND.
If you have concerns about how school deals with your child regarding any SEN issues you can discuss these with the Headteacher or the Governing Body. If you want to discuss any issues with our SEN Governor, they can be contacted by arranging an appointment through the school office.
- Extra-Curricular Activities
Pupils are encouraged to take part in activities outside of school to promote the well-being of the child. Students at Titan Education Trust can receive additional support in all subject areas beyond the school day. Educational visits are also has highly important in the enrichment of the pupils, and visits are organised for pupils with additional needs. Risk assessments are available on request and timetable of activities can be obtained by post from the Academy.
- How will we support pupils with additional needs to improve their social, emotional and mental wellbeing?
At Titan Education Trust we have a strong pastoral care system. Every student has access to a pastoral manager and form tutor, who are there to support pupil social and emotional development at the Academy. We have a PSHE programme within the school which form tutors actively run within designates times to their tutor group. We also have a Therapeutic mentor which is available for 1:1 with students when needed. Specific sessions are run in this mentoring based on their need i.e. Lego Therapy. The school also has a mentoring team which works with students on a daily basis identified by staff in the school, and through referral.
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SEND three stage provision 2023 2024 |